If someone pulls on my nipple rings during sex play, sometimes it feels good and sometimes it doesn’t. Nipple play, any kind of sex play, depends to some extent on me and to some extent depends on my partner. Some people do wonderful things with nipples and some people don’t. A person who doesn’t do wonderful things with nipples is not going to improve technique by having rings to pull on as well as the tissue available.
In addition to the nipple rings, I have a piercing in both of the labia minora and a clitoral hood piercing. They’re just there, but they can be used in sex play. Recently I was playing with a woman while wearing a pair of thigh-high stockings, which of course have elastic way up on the thigh. She found the labia piercing rings very convenient: She clamped a clothespin onto each ring and then tucked a leg of each clothespin under the elastic of the stocking, so that my labia were spread and she had the kind of access she wanted to my cunt. Then she put a clothespin on the clitoral hood ring and used it to pull the hood back and forth, while she did the other things she was doing to make me happy. So in that situation the rings were very convenient.
Most of my recent sexual behavior is what is labeled sexual sadomasochism. Safe, sane, consensual, sexual sadomasochism. It involves a wide range of activities. I like whipping ass. I like getting my ass whipped. I like tying people up and doing things to them. I like tying people up and watching them wiggle. I like being tied up and wiggling and having things done to me. I have a particular fondness for having hot wax dropped on vulnerable parts of my body. Why? Because it feels good. It’s weird to say that, but it’s the only answer.
Some kinds of pain—pain erotically applied by somebody who knows how to do it—can get me very, very high sexually. I’ve had orgasms from pain fairly regularly when playing with partners whose activities allow it. Whipping and caning work. Plain standing bondage doesn’t do anything. But not all kinds of pain work. It depends on the partners, the activities, where my head’s at. I think anything that involves a thoughtfully increasing amount of pain will probably do it for me.
I also can have orgasms putting my vibrator up to my ear and pressing. My ears are incredibly sensitive. One day, when John and I were shopping, we became overwhelmed with good feelings and wound up with our arms around each other, and he starting biting my ear. Not hard, but with gradually increasing pressure. He was wearing a leather jacket with an artificial fur collar. I remember very clearly burying my mouth in his fur collar and screaming when I had an orgasm, right there in the supermarket, from having my ear bitten. I have erogenous zones in the most bizarre places. I have had orgasms from having the backs of my knees licked. Licked, not bitten. It’s something like having my cunt eaten. It just goes right up there.
Why do these things turn us on? Because we’re lucky! I don’t know whether its physiological, psychological or a combination of both, but some people seem to be more capable of experiencing sexual pleasure. Some people seem to be capable of experiencing sexual pleasure from a wide variety of activities that don’t seem as though they should produce that much pleasure. Like licking the backs of the knees. We’re just lucky!
from an interview with Carol T.