My first body piercings were my nipples and a “Prince Albert.” An actual piercing takes only a few seconds and I let out a good yell for each one, which I always like to do. Afterwards my body definitely went through some changes: I felt faint, went flush and all of that. But up until that point in my life I had never done something that felt so absolutely right. I didn’t question it at all, even something as major as having my nipples and my dick pierced. It was just so right.
I didn’t get any of the piercings unless my body said OK. For some of them, I was just playing with my body and all of a sudden hit an area that had a zing to it—“OK we’re going to pierce it there.” Since I had permission from my body, there was never a question; even the preparation was just a matter of getting to the point of being ready to accept the piercing.
My nipples weren’t an important area to me until they were pierced. They’re not naturally sensitive, so I didn’t play with them. The six months when the nipples were healing brought me to a whole new relationship with my body. I had to pay attention, clean them at least twice a day. Plus if I moved a certain way they would definitely let me know that they were there. It came to be a whole process, not of just being aware that they were there, but of really caring for that part of my body. It brought me to a better understanding of my body.
My nipples have grown, too. I had nipples, but I didn’t have play-with nipples. After the piercing they protruded more. It was fun. They became body toys. It was nice to have something extra to play with. And now I play with my nipples.
How do I have sex with a big Prince Albert? I take it out, but I leave the other jewelry in. Some men get piercings all over the dick, but I like to keep mine streamlined with the body, so that none of them gets in the way. I have three to four frenum piercings (the one at the base of the dick is a frenum if I’m hard and a hafada, a scrotum piercing, if I’m soft) and the jewelry is really very much flush with the dick when I’m hard. I’m generally not a top. I do love to get fucked. But, I have fucked two men since I’ve had frenums and they really liked the feeling of the frenum jewelry. Because of the placement, there are little extra sensual points on the dick, just like the dildos that have bumps on them. It’s not as if the jewelry is in there jabbing around. So they really liked it, although at first they said, “Oh my God, what’s going to happen?”
from an interview with Michael H.